Question about social life while being OE
Can they sue OE employee for not disclosing conflict of interest?
Being able to have sex at any time is still a privilege.
Suggestions for high calorie foods?
Loosing weight too fast on statins and 15% fat diet
What would be a good excuse to ask to work part time
Bitcoin officially under 80k……anyone know when this will stop and why this is happening ?????
Diet changes = Big LDL drop
3 Months on Repatha
24h holter results: 101 PVCs
I have high LDL and pre diabetic. Should o continue to have oatmeal?
Folinic Acid Questions
Anyone experience a correlation between taking statins and a higher resting heart rate?
I always wonder if these people where psychopaths before they went vegan, or if then became like that afterwards.
How does not counting calories work?
416,5 ng/mL serum folic acid
Currently getting down voted to hell or r/vegans for being the great great grand daughter of a concentration camp survivor and thinking this is disgusting.
Retiring without a PPOR
MLS for a couple but hospital for one only
PVCs gone for now
Been panicking about my results from three months ago. Trying to work on my diet, exercise, and drink more water but I’m worried it still isn’t enough
Protein sources?
Confused about Lipoprotein A...some people say they've lowered theirs???
Is it bad to consume EVOO if you’re trying to limit saturated fats?
Saturated fats in nuts and olive oils, to limit or not?