So long and thanks for all the tanks.
DBV-152 new Assembly Shop vehicle?
Is it possible to land in gold directly after 10/10 placement wins?
Wellcome to the arty hell again. So to me- it looks like they nerfed it to they can apply back all this crew perk which are making arta cancer again😭 .
Is t10 on NA just triple 260/IS-7 platoon's W-keying a flank? 5 straight matches of that shit today.
"Stop looking at my ass!"
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Gameplay Reveal Trailer Discussion. All Reveals & Theories
Which tank (line) just clicked with you?
Is the early game supposed to suck (DS3)
i beat all souls games including sekiro but havent played or finished bloodborne and demon souls
Veteran elden ring player review on dark souls remastered
I’ve been wanting a c2 or later model oled for a while, but I’m honestly more concerned about dead pixels than burn-in (longevity-wise). Have any c2 owners experienced the dead pixel issues that some cx users have?
Any other tech tree tank that plays like the Super Conqueror ?
"Save Scumming" on Ps5?
How many times have you played the witcher 3?
My very first souls platinum
Are the PS3 versions of Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1 + 2 worth playing ?
The witcher 3 is the best game to ever exist so far, change my mind
I Beat Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and now DS3. What next?
BB DLC, Sekiro, or PS Plus?
Should I play Bloodborne now or should I wait for a remake/remaster ?
Should I play Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 3 first?
Decided to make a top 20 favourite bosses in the series
Finished elden ring, what next.
SONY executives watching the fans get hyped for a Bloodborne remake trailer (it isn't happening)