I just made some Invincible memes that you guys can use on post or comment (since I got your attention read the body text: stop spamming the leaving trends)
Update! Here are the players for the Roblox hunger games apologies if I named you something random because you didn’t gave a name :( if you didn’t see the original post you are welcome to join last minute! Just a picture and name are all that are needed.
Ah, love...
One of my many Varguil butterfly perfect throws
gimme username, only username, no avatar needed, only other thing to add is something that you like, if its one of my favorite things, ill make a render (don't say pokemon tho, thats way too easy, and i wont be able to do everyone)
I didn't know this suit, Reben Wolf was a thing until a HGUC kit got announced today. So, what cost if implemented in the game?
What sports is your avatar good at?
They would be sitting next to each other if I weren't dumb
I am gonna name you!.... Idk, any ideas?
I got bored, so I gave her a body… again.
if your avatar drew theyre self, what would it look like? ill go first
Wyd if you see this
Loaf noob :D
Hue hue hue this is my avatar, first post
probably the fastest commenter/comment replier
Would it be worth grinding The Hunt to get the node rabbit ears for my avatar?
Seriously why are these guys even announcing their departure??
Fully Restored (+Q&A)
the clayinators rendition of u/MastersNoobs loaf noob
W-Whats up with the people leaving this Subreddit thing?!
BATTLER ALERT:An ultra mutated zombie approaches (choose your move and I'll choose if its successful or not]
I just join this sub yesterday and now people are leaving? but I love this subreddit!
drawing some avatar eyes bcs I feel like drawing eyes (just put in comments, say eye type and eye colour if you want, and pls updoot 👍
Chat i need to tell you that.... im staying here and I dont plan on leaving. And even if i did leave i wouldnt tell you because who would even care
We have lost to many people.