Need help from Hunters
Weekly Pack Pull Megathread
New Life Living with Friends
Duda sobre posibilidad de independizarme
In my opinion, the Spotlight Cache system needs a rework
What should I do ?
Busco consejo sobre como seguir
Hi I tryed to install CFW using the SafecertHax
Can I buy Genesis Crytals to my EU server genshin account?
What should I improve on my cyno
What character should I pull in my account between Yelan and Xiao?
Glory to the Almighty Shogun
Need help to play as ADC in low gold
Noobs needs help
Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: November
I think I make mistakes but I don't know where they are
I cant improve in soloQ
I neef hielo right now to end this struggle
who else is ready for the skin release :D
The benz quiz is very obviously being botted
Escanor Shaft sign up sheet ✍🏻
Pls I need help to improve
I feel Im forgetting how to play
Pls give me tips
I need help with my accoutn since Im stucked