Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
How active is Worldborne right now?
Officially part of the HR 999s.
Do you hope that we’ll get a new/returning weapon in the expansion?
Pacing/Cluttered Quests
This weapons so cool bruh
Is there a way to grind the materials needed to level up the artian weapons?
With the help of 3 friends a lot of patience it's done.
Insect Glaive Builds Wilds
How does the postgame in wilds work?
Which crossovers would you like to see in wilds?
Took a while but finally got it down!
Method found thanks to u/Beast124567 Timer Bypass Tmnt Playstation vs Xbox 9399-0942-3195 (results may vary)
With the release of MH Wilds drawing near, I would like to gift a few copies to those unable to find the funds to purchase the game
Yooo I got mixed! Had to share this cause the combo was too sick! I deserved to lose.
Street Fighter 6 Tips
Let’s do it
Punk not sold on Mai's power level and FGC early impressions
Giving away 1 Steam game of your choice! (up to 100$ max)
Surely y'all support this too. We gotta be better than New Jersey.
How do you do the things you need to do?
Depressed, feel like loser
Hightyde Comic Auction