This is your sign to turn back to Allah(swt),no matter how many sins you made,repent and come back to Allah(swt)🤍
Remember Allah(swt) is always there🤍
Allah is the most merciful 🤍
With last 2v8 being RE themed, what other potential themed mode do you expect? I’ll start:
I’m just gonna leave this here
Which Killer Has The Least Aura In Dead By Daylight
Tell me your survivor main without telling me his/her name
Tell me your killer main without telling me his/her name
I need a logo or banner for my channel 🥺
Which Killer Has The Most Aura In Dead By Daylight?
Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon
20 more to the finish line!
I... I can't stop, this is way too much fun. Especially looking deeper into lore to make them.
If you somehow manage to stun Houndmaster's dog while he's standing on uneven terrain, Snug's rotation gets... confused.
Saw some killer interactions and wanted to make a few myself.
Houndmaster nerfs are getting out of hand, they flipped my dog onto the Z axis : (
A fan made killer concept: The Deadlights
How do ranks work in this game?
Do you fell that 2v8 has made you a better or worse player?
Your killer main is now your roommate, how much do you think you'll get along?
Why Wesker is packing a whole bakery?
What's your most hated Rift Challenge?
I saw someone posting possible 2v8 killer interactions so I decided to write some of my own! Let me know what you guys think :D
Wellp- now what…
2v8 is extended until March 4 11 AM EST. Thoughts?