What names have the least consistent vibes?
how does the average person not have an ed
Bye-Bye Boobies Party
My hair is growing again
groceries always go bad
What girl name would you pick?
I didn’t survive cancer to just die from this
Does anyone else have shows that they love but aren’t able to watch anymore?
Normal results/obs
Baby girl names — vote, please?
How are you feeling post cancer?
blue fingernails??? is this from my ed?
Am I still valid?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Songs about escaping
Shaving head before Chemo
I find it highly ironic how the skinnier you get, the more noticeable your stomach protrusion is when you eat or drink water
Love the name Dove but like it more as a nickname. Any ideas for a full name to complement ?
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
Agnes Carpenter.
I love my healthcare system 🥲
mfw anyone skinny shames me ☺️
How do you pronounce Jana?
We listen and we don't judge. What's your guilty pleasure song?