What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
why is clear sky so hard?
I'm starting to understand why people hate light rolling in PVP.
Rave in Salzburg?
Uh, who is this guy?
All I do is win.
Heralds carry me through all the acts + endgame but all i do is win.
[Discussion] AA-12 buyable for rubles
[Discussion] Cultists 100% spawn with Marked Keys
[Discussion] Farming cultists
W first raid [Feedback]
got one tapped from nowhere, does this guy look legit?
Keep getting fucked up by this no skill Lothric highwall Darkhand twink
Need help finding lever for this bridge, cant find it please help.
Im him.
☠️ We’re gonna be Quad AAAA ☠️
None Parry or Strike Shields - Where are they?
PSA: Reinforcements aren't orbital strikes
Anyone got a translation?
Gibts in Wien echt keinen „Milram Frühlingsquark“?
Thank you Dark Souls
Ease of learning the game without going online
Für alle zugezogenen: Was waren eure Lernmomente in Wien, die ihr gerne vor dem Umzug gewusst hättet?
My Thoughts As A Player Who Doesn't Play Tarkov
Where’d all the Iskra spawns go?