Treant being used for Ghost King Kiss
Question about recording gameplay
Locking players in/out of doorways with summons needs to be addressed.
How did extend my combo?
Trying to extract with 2 BiS Dank and Danker cards.
Is it just me, or has hr been dead since the patch?
Warlocks able to summon Cerberus?
Arena appreciation post
The State of Blocking
Is there a way to mute chat in arena?
Suggestion - Add Lobby Ambience Volume Setting
Does anyone know if we can mute JUST the potion drinking sound?
Are You Looking Foward Non-Minted Unique/Named Items Arenas
3rd parties
can we add anti-heal to explosive bottle?
Any map guides that aren't just "here's boss A, here's boss B, here's where to find X and Y loot" but instead go in greater details about the maps and modules?
Aren't the maps reversed?
Create a new mode: Nightmare
Ngl y’all need to give patch 80 time
Changing MPB curve to match PPB curve doesn't make sense when physical damage isn't gated by needing to campfire every 15 swings or arrows.
I dunno, I kinda like the changes
Disillusioned with IronMace and Dark and Darker? Play Sea of Thieves.
This keeps happening no matter which map I queue for. Is this a bug or intended?
[Poll] Would you prefer it if the patch were reverted?
50% of players play squire lobbies yet SDF wants to make hr even less inviting?