Hotel Pony
They don't know something we do.... Don't spend money/gems on the lunaverse when you could get them basically for free 🤭
Don't spend Gems for this item for the new Hotel character, it's in the Daily Coin Rewards
Welp, gameloft made an oopsie
Tonowari mentioned that they were aware of the tulkun hunting, so why didn’t they take action sooner? Why did it take the killing of Ro’a, Ronal’s spirit sister, for them to finally do something?
We got nothing
So, what are the chances of getting 4 at once?
why is zecora so high definition than the other ponies
How does this work?
Business Card
Am I the only one who hates this event?
How yall are? My sister says Im too old to play mlp so i want to see something 😭
I smoked and now this game is actually hard 😔🍃
i'm a idiot.
I love this game, but...
New Features
Tattoo artist really effed up my WC tat
What's this? The free Royal balloon pop actually gave me something good? Well butter my biscuits gee golly gosh it must be my lucky day!
At long last, my project is completed
F#ck you Gameloft...
Friend Code List 12
Is This A Scam?
I beg your finest pardon 😂