Do you see a bent pin? Yellow light no video.
Anyone tested Tear-> backfire-> laundries/rylais?
9950X Motherboard Choice. Is it a big deal?
Is this a good build?
This champ hurts my fingers/hands sometimes.
What are your favourite champs to play Cassio against?
Cassio is so cooked
Rank 1 Cassiopeia NA (73% wr master)
Why is Cass winrate so high?
I think this is a really bad meta for Kayle.
What do you consider to be the most difficult part of mastering Cassio?
Is Bloodletters Curse weak?
AITA For wanting my wife to have a job?
It ain't much but it's honest work
[Hobby] Looking for a project to work on as a 3D Modeler
How do you get tenacity?
Been awhile. What are we building right now.
Do you pick Cassiopeia (top) when your team has no tanks?
I truly believe League of Legends is the perfect example of a game that SHOULD NOT listen to it's community
A long lane gives Cassio the opportunity to run down her poke mage counters, in mid he would be at his tower by my second Q and I'm back to being lasered from a screen away.
Matchups Top Lane
Why is top lane Cassiopeia so popular in high MMR, especially in South Korea, Taiwan and EU-W?
Is Cassiopeia viable in top lane ?
[Buying Advice] Is this ROG Zephyrus G14 (2022) worth PHP 40,000 (~$700)? Or should I wait for a Christmas sale?
Kayle buffed again, back to back, 2 patches in a row