NC Republican Congressman screamed at by Constituents in a Town Hall event
A news reporter gets interrupted by his mother.
my friend smells like SHIT
I realized my dad voted against me
The feeling of wanting to go "home"
No one told me how horrifying it was going to be
Trump - ''They rigged the election and I became President, so that was a good thing.''
What Do You Think About the President’s Plan to Clear Cut the Forests of Northern Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, and Maine?
I'm waiting for my brother to either k-ll himself or get his life together
What's the saddest game you've ever played? (No Spoilers please)
Wife’s leaving me and taking the kids with her
Elon Musk on The Disabled
Kratom drug test
For the concentrate users out there
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
the amount of alcohol my mom has consumed in 5 days
Lost my only brother to addiction on Friday
What game made you feel like this?
Why aren’t you out tonight?
FBI agent writes anonymous letter warning Americans
Girlfriend left me for no reason, Lost a job at school, cant sleep, I don't feel like eating lately
having a bad night and wanted to share my cat
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
I came for Kyrie, I stayed for the org, I'm leaving for the bretrayal