When does Supernatural become “boring”?
Anyone else have a piercer body-shame them?
i’m so jealous of my friends body it’s become so unhealthy i want to cry
i guess it’s time to start lying
i’m so touch starved it actually makes me cry
i’m too old to be a acting stupid over a work crush
my friend reminds me i’m a virgin every time she has sex
What fandom got you into fanfiction?
Men keep ghosting me after being intimate
I'm so tired of the way people treat teenagers
Ready for January to End
victim to chia seeds
What are your non-aesthetics related reasons for losing weight?
Antishippers sometimes freak me out
all my friends have boyfriends and it’s been different
Have you ever written a fic for a show you’ve never watched?
i can’t take it anymore.. food makes me so guilty i lose a appetite
i need to get over my crush on a coworker i’m going crazy
I hate being a lesbian
how is it for other aros?
my friends are so sexual or maybe i’m just a prude
i’m over this company and management taking advantage of me
Do you think I have the anatomy for these piercings? Do you think I could pull them off?
my first crush and it’s on my coworker… i’m going insane literally
I just want to cry i hate my life