What a difference!
Face to Face Friday, 40lbs down
Show your sceenshot of your Yorkie. 🫶
My first go at building my little house
A crow and the stag
“Mooooom, I’m bored, can we go now?”
🎶Steeeenk Freeeee🎶
Looking for a wine bottle shelf tutorial
Galewynd Lake Resort is on the tour!
Almost done with my lake!
The lake is DONE! Finally!!
Does your dog ask to go in your covers? My dog demands it
Every single time…🙄
What is the meaning behind your character’s name?
Do you make up words to songs for your babies?
Does anyone close their eyes and can still ‘see’ the chapaa chase?
‘I’ hope ‘u’ get it
What is the phrase you say CONSTANTLY to your Yorkies?
Meredith the blanket shark