I had my first crazy crazy run
Got this on ante 3 and managed to lose, I'm so bad sometimes.
Well, I guess we better get to killing huh lads?
Joel has reintroduced us with a choice since we are basically guaranteed the MO, Meissa or Balistica
Whats up with the grass flickering in game?
Seeing a lot of people talk about the MO, no one is talking about enemy invasion level 19.....
Elon stopping by the Angel Venture cause of the new glitch
Is it just me or do SMG lights suck the fun out of this game?
Is Citrine actually a giant fig?
I love this game, I HATE this system for events.
So this hatched from an egg, is it good for anything?
Is this a brag?
So I just caught this...
Got him from an egg last night
Nidus Helminth opinions
Aren't one of these supposed to be Primed Sure Footed?
Your most overpowered builds
First check of the day
This guy comes for your cashout, wyd
Ant dead inside monitor.
Ant dead inside of monitor
I see why new players leave
Question about OptiFine Vs Iris and Sodium
I kinda regret my sponsor choice, anyone feel the same rn?