Has anyone played “Nuclear Nightmare” yet on Steam? My friend recommended we play it since I just recently showed my friend group “The Thing”
Crashing after update
This is every game for me since the new update
A bit of a rant (new update)
Anyone know when camos and exp will return
The VA Process to a Newcomer
Not even a year old 7900xtx and my delta temps are insane.
What's with the random Psi-effects? (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2)
Obama makes a dick joke about Trump at the DNC
The laws of physics do not apply to goats.
I stubbornly kept using shotguns even though they were all garbage, until...
You can't open Zalissya hall door? Follow these steps.
Best drug to act sober on
Ideal .40 S&W Caliber Handgun for Conceal Carry
What’s a video game sequel you absolutely love but others hate?
Best story you have ever played in a video game?
Who was your childhood crush character?
What’s a big guilty pleasure game for you?
Where is the WORST place to live in ANY video game?
Drugs that make it easier for me to cum during sex? (F)
I designed a lego inspired music making app for gamers and non-musicians!
Knocked out 2 times
Guy pissing overboard while sailing in the ocean
Is sex on ketamine good?
Best year for the 2500 and why?