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The envy of a fan
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Worried to phone in sick
What is your "I never liked The Godfather" of metal?
Thinking on getting this guy, but very worried about yellowing 😔
What is the best version of Starscream?
What movie has the best villain?
Just fully listened to TESF, amazing album. Your thoughts?
Your favorite Transformer has officially been renamed into your favorite Pokemon. What will they now be referred to as? (Use a quote if you have to)
Top 5 fav slipknot songs from their self titled
Your ultimate fear factory playlist
Which Bayverse character(s) would you want to see comeback in someway?
Top 3 fav slipknot songs from The Gray Chapter
I usually like the aggressive side of Fear Factory, but this is one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard in my entire life.
What’s y’all’s favorite song off of the Iowa Album?
What are some good MF doom songs
What the most iconic last words before the kill?
The BEST guest character
If you were randomly set in an MK game, which one would you choose and which one would you avoid at all costs.
Which character reminds you of yourself the most?
How has Slipknot impacted you?
Who do you think is the best villain to come out of the Bayverse?
Say something positive about this game