POC in Government Struggling to Fit In Any Advice?
Ace Attorney Fanart 8bit Miniseries
Why do I get so few comments?
So I asked ChatGPT what the most popular AA cases were
I feel so flattered
And I'm coming with you!
a small thank you!
Miles Edgeworth & Crew sketches by me
first time ever posting be like
I wonder if they're working on a case on a boat?
Moving to Bc
Just replayed AJ for the first time in years
Robin Newman
Preparing for competition after direct award TA
Where was Edgeworth during Apollo Justice?
Funniest lines in the series?
What’s the most wholesome Ace Attorney moment?
Easily one of the most important pieces of Ace Attorney Fanart ever
Am I Dumb For Liking Apollo Justice?
I'm gonna try to get into Ace Attorney. Any advice for starting?
am i too old to read fanfic?
I just finished the investigations collection and I think I'll go crazy in the next 24 hours
Best steps to support a new ‘camper’ in our neighbourhood in finding a more suitable location.
The sun will no longer set before 5PM starting today ☀️