Did Clayman really call a monster that was able to come unscathed from the ambush of the monster killing specialist Hinata a weakling? Is he serious ?
The coolest otherworlders Demon Lords😊
My rant about the Vol 20-22.
Shrine Maiden Princess Shuna. [Artist: @konayuru/こなゆる]
Vol 22: Godly Destruction and Chaos.
What are your scenarios and prediction of the LN Vol22 now that the prologue has been released?
how could rimuru defeat the Sky Dragon so easily, even though he was on the same level as Charybdis and rimuru had no chance against him ?
About the power of the Imaginary Supply in Vol 21.
I love how Taiki Kawakami gives Rimuru a new outfit almost every chapter and all the outfits look perfect on Rimuru.
About the Queen of Nightmare Luminous Valentine.
Rimuru skill
About the Vol 22 of the LN.
Why is Veldanava not reviving?
[LN Vol 15+]: About the events of the Abyss Unleashed
[LN Vol 12+] About the Star King Dragon Veldanava and the Emperor Rudra.
Just a thought I have about Rimuru Tempest.
I know the Slime Nikki chapters are semi-canon but does Shion have some sort of Intuition or future sightseeing? Her words here were kinda suspicious.
Question: Is Yuuki actually not that bad? (morally grey, sure, but not really 'bad')
About Rimuru's initial thought about the True Dragons.
Volume 10 LN
What am I missing in the Family Tree
What would the other demon lords have done if Guy had accidentally killed Chronoa while testing her strength?
About demon lord Rimuru's straight sword.
Meanwhile In an Alternate Timeline where Rimuru is Rudra's Reincarnation.