Transmog ideas for a full armor Demon Hunter with Warglaives of Azzinoth?
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Is there any optimal skill order?
Question about Irregular contracts and Administrators.
Does your skill order depends on the build?
New Builds?
Question about the X-Hand
Q animations
I'm new. Just one question.
Looking for DH transmogs with Warglaive of Azzinoth
Question about combo
BotRK into Titanic?
Is Kraken 2nd worth it?
why not build sundered sky
About Trinity Force
Grasp over LT?
Viability of Navori into Nashor
I finally hit master in soloq. Ask me anything about Kai'Sa (adc)!
Favorite current Kaisa build?
Alternative Druid build?
Open for mentoring
best mythic?
[TOMT][SONG] A kind of acoustic song by a non popular artist.