H: 2500 Mire 2 Maps. W: Any of the following listed mods (See description)
H: 1000 Caps for 1 Star, 3000 Caps for 3 Star. W: Mods Listed in Description
Question: Can Market76 couriers help with Caps transfers?
H: 100 Caps Each. W: 50 Coffee
What voice lines "live rent free in your head"?
MAGA Mod for Farcry 5?
H: Challenge W: People to spell fasnacht correctly
H: Caps. W: 2025 Fasnacht Plans: Flowers Box Aster, and, Flowering Box Mutated Fern.
What far cry hill will you die standing on?
Take this grenade enemy of the Monolith! It is finally done brothers.
Hollllyyyy sheeeeeet this was an absolute ball ache to get this. Hats off to the other 0.07% of you that managed to get this. It's seriously laborious.
Flash Royal Question
Side quests per region, or why S2 world feels huge but empty
I'm tired of pretending. Stalker 2 is empty, huge map and I love that so much more than having 15 quests at every outpost. Its an atmosphere game. The Zone is deadly and full of radiation. You should feel like you're alone.
New rumored balance patch notes
Loner Shooter Achievement Guide
Stalker 2 (Mod In Progress) Better Pistol - No Skif's Pistol as Quest Item
[ Removed by Reddit ]
I've just started my 2nd playthrough. 1st one I basically only went with Saiga and Zubr the whole way. What other two guns would you recommend I main on my 2nd play through with your reasons why. Thank you.
Holy crap almost at the end
Halfway there brothers, I'm throwing a grenade. Flash Royal and Loner Shooter are the only two I'm dreading to get.
There is definitely content coming with a patch / dlc
skif goes home
The serial downvoting on this forum is puzzling.