Can AV be the main Big anime Td game in Roblox?
Played since release (100% F2P) Rolled my first ever Monarch on Gogeta (I also got him minutes before this). Level 199 FIRST MONARCH.
Guys some PPL would not agree
Before level 30 is the goal
Just started the afk chamber grind for rogita (imma buy the rrs too)
Who need to aweken their fruit? I can solo it also for free
Tell me your favourite character from the big 3
wasn't Zioles at the top #1?
I hate buddha spammers who else agrees?
How are they not broke
I'm so desperate now that I'm underpaying, anyone with a half-decent add please come.
Yo who can help me grind gems I'm new to this game I really need gems just comment if you want to
What's your type of woman? Men are okay too. And so is everything else. Lets see how goated you are!
Hey easy mud(eldin)(nuccoba2)
Who got 2x mastery
Is it just me?
Team update
Is my team decent? (Still working on them)
I need a shard
What IF,This Was All a Joke?!
rate my team