Extremely unpopular opinion: Moonbreon is very very overrated
Seeing everyone pull charizards while im here with my collection since 2017 till now
Another KH, another defect
Am i seeing this correctly?
Has the current state of the market affected or ruined the competitive scene of Pokemon TCG?
Just bought the classic car pack. Nothing happened… when will it take effect?
Kyosho 1/64 overpriced for its quality compared to others?
Currently at year 10 and my math sucks, i even suck at foundation. IGCSE are in 1.5 years and i really need some help and what i need to do to take action.
Got my first 1/18!! Steal?
At japan rn what are is the best current japanese set?
Who is LuoDa 😭💔
Any malaysians here is this website trusted?
Is this a real rwb? From OEM model claimed to be a “tiffany” rwb
Is every RWB actually made by Nakai San or are some custom made by buying the body kit and assembling it themselves?
Two absolute beauties
Going into 2025 with only 2 models in my "collection"
What a way to start the year off
Which one is better? (Can they even be compared?)
i have 2 Valorant on my data C drive.
100% usage on HDD and help?
are these specs good and is there anything i can add or improve? converted = 1,037.6817 US Dollars