Duress - Illusion Cantrip - I bet you’re dying to scratch your nose right now
My 6 year old brother wants to play D&D, how do I simplify the game until he can keep up with it?
Astral Archive - Level 11 Spell. Some people collect coins; I prefer entire civilizations.
Mortal Mandate - You can leave when I say you can leave.
Black Tongue - Adding a whole new meaning to 'Dead Language'
Tattoos - Warded Strike, Silent Path, Shade Twin - But they are not without flaw...
Prismari - They say beauty is skin deep, but for these guys, it’s literally all the way through
Light Beam - Don’t worry, you won’t feel the damage... until you measure it.
Deluminate - I call this move involuntary hide-and-seek
Amnesiac and Fractured Mind - What?!! The campaign starts in 1 hour and you don't have the 5 page backstory the DM asked for?! I got you, bro.
Gravity Well - You ever feel like the world is just... dragging you down?
Soul Bind – I receive power. You receive a cage of oblivion.
Ping - a tool for those who do not care if their quarry knows they’re coming.
Coraline's Corrosive Caress - A bit of magic alchemy. Gold to rust, power to dust.
Mama Bear and Mother's Grace - First of the Mom Feats
Drafter - Do you like to plan before an encounter? This feat is for you!
Ventriloquism and Legerdemainist - Two Feats for the practical tricksters among you
Wordbound Word - And THAT’S why we don’t say the quiet part out loud.
THE BEASTBLOOD CURSE - How would your D&D party fair against Father Gascoine?
Flicker Strike - *Teleports Behind You* Heh, nothing personal, kid
Hollow - Origin Feat - You are dead... but not quite...
Dad Strength, Dad Reflexes, Dad Bod and more! - 6 Dad Related feats, one for each Ability Score