Do you guys think that Sony or Disney should make an animated movie of the story Spider-Man ps4? (Like what WB did for injustice)
Who wins??
Will meds really help me ?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Miles Morales got done dirty in Across the Spider-Verse
I love the way the model looks here
Did anyone thoughts change on boruto as a character?
Your last saved image defeated Kratos! What is it?
What is your last saved image?
What is an emote you hate for no reason? Mine is the Outlaws strut
What opinion on Naruto would get you like this ?
Surprising how a broken man like Joel would have no interest in drinking.
Lol I didn’t know Spidey got his ass beat by Tony in the comics, what?😭
Do you think movie shadow is the best interpretation of the character?
Which character gets too much hate?
This is my first time playing without swing assist, how the FUCK did I do?
We see the fit eggman 🔥🔥🥶
tlou2 plot in a nutshell
say that again
Who's the prettiest girl in Naruto and why is it Sakura and not Ino?
How do you think Bill is doing these days?
These two would be an unstoppable duo
What cars I think they'd drive no I do not take constructive criticism.
Would you be mad if Uncle Ben made an appearance in Sm3 as a flashback?
If they ever interacted how daffoe's norman would react to colman's norman