For folks who have experienced the quality of life in Europe and have the privilege of moving there, what makes you want to stay in Pune? Or in India, in general?
Join us for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Komal Basith - beauty editor, storyteller and longtime Redditor! Catch her in r/AskIndianWomen on Jan 23rd at 2:30pm IST and ask her anything!
How does mandira bedi maintain same impeccable hair
People that have done laser treatments with lasers like Q switched Nd:YAG, did the dermatologist prescribe any kind of skin lightening creams like kojivit or triluma to use post treatment until the next session?
Asking for Q Switch Laser Patch Test Experience at Kaya and a few more related queries
Finally someone talking sense on the 90 hour work week
Bankrupt brother forcing division of father's and mother's property
Join the Akhand Ramayan in Kharadi 10-11 Jan
Name a place to eat in Pune that's nasty AF but people hype tf out of it.
Carrying Alcohol from Goa to Pune by Air
Does anyone remember playing 'Jolly' in their school days? This little fountain pen related game was popular in India back in the day.
I was admitted in a psychiatric ward for 2 weeks!
Is IT job market in Pune dead?
House worth crore buy alto 800
Should everyone buy health insurance?
Pune incident
When Coffee Lines Get Uncomfortable
What would you do ?
New blind -
Phoenix mall of the millennium
Marriage annulment in India
Am I being paranoid?
Best free App for daily expenses tracking
Got caught smoking today
Atul Subash: These are only 3 options