AMA: I’m one of the leading uranium institutional investors
Day trading ≠ Trading daily
Should I risk the next UW?
what i can only presume to be the most coins ever earned on a single run by a player.
1 year of progress as a true f2p
Lab Research Priority
ICT aka M J.Hiddleston really a Trading Genius? The Truth No One Wants to Admit
It’s a lose lose lose
Target priority
Managing 87% win rate and blowing my account
How many trades do you guys take a day and how many trades is “too much” in your opinion
Scalping Doesn’t Work (For Most People). Here’s Why
How does your life feel as a profitable trader?
ES leading NQ - Strategy
You can
Profitable traders, where can I learn from that really enlightened you to becoming profitable?
Do any of you trade solely on intuition?
Encore Energy Class Action Lawsuit
Pure Dom scalpers, how is it going?
This is me
Got cocky and nuked my account
Does anyone else use a ORB strategy? What are your tips?
How do you deal with the Yips?
Got emotional and held on to a big loss
How can you predict what’ll happen at open?