[16M] Anyone wanna be friends I play armired core, eldenring, tokyo xtreme racer, im into history too
Too Hot to Handle Germany • S2 Megathread
Do you think The Originals is worth watching, especially after finishing The Vampire Diaries?
I really can’t stand when people say jiyeon couldn’t find a match bc of beauty standards when miss Korea was literally right there struggling 🤣
friendly rivalry episode 5 discussions!
Vampire BL anime?
Wishlist for Season 5
Victorias deleted scene
I don't think Rosalie was ever jealous of Bella
I'm sorry but stelena is better than delena
TFW you see non-consensual acts in a manga.
I’m Honestly Not Sure What Jeong-su Thought He Was Going to Accomplish w Si-an After That Double Date
Theo haters need to watch this
Is Tewan gay ?
My girl's you -jin and ji yeon , green flag friendship duo
i have to vent about my dumb teammate
Ik everyone hates matt Donovan but I love the guy
Qetsiyah has been eliminated!!
That’s break my heart
Theo is everywhere,bro was even a tour guide
Gyuri knew it cause she is one of the victim too 😭😭😭
I thought they were perfect but I guess we didn't really see anything It makes me wonder is Tae Hwan here for more fame or love
Jun Seo rubs me the wrong way, here's why:
Don't y'all miss when they were not allowed to choose the same person for Paradise
Theo is probably my favourite out of all the seasons,his funny, handsome and confident