-Nebula- a dark wood and gold themed PC
[Please Read It] Lich is a woman... cute cerberus
Stop giving me lee sin, I'm not insec
I need someone to check if my pc setup is fully compatible and will work without any problems.
R5 7600x v 7800x3d/9800x3d
How to check for missing ROPS without plugging it in
I configured my first PC. Budget is around 2000€, should I change something?
My reaction when someone says that they spent a night in a tent to get the new gpu
Cheapest 9070 XT Is Almost $900 ! ! !
Will this absurd pricing change over a few months?
[meme] Bro, atleast wait for 20 chapters before asking this
So you can't do anything to leave the match even if your teammate is afk in arena
Giving my dad his first IEM as a gift. (Truthear Gate)
First match with the powder silco augment
"I remember the time when quinn and graves were played as an adc"
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Best 27 inch 1440p monitor for PS5
At this point they'll nerf anything but give Garen a slap on the wrist
Why isn’t 4 sniper legit like in set 11?
Hard Carry Penta Emerald eu-west-1
100% Armor Reduction! Wow! Wonder what type of damage she deals!!
I didn't want to be unfair so I didn't make their early game weak
Nobody likes u, qss
i will take a plier to my toes before i ever download some shit like "royal match" or "family island"
New player here, what's a champion no one wants to play but wishes was on their team?