Is this selenium?
[CLOCKS] Any clock experts here know if this blind buy is radium?
You wouldn't think looking at it for the first time, but this rose was made by Viking glass for a production run of about 6 months. The stem kept breaking off in the mould. The part you probably wouldn't think is that it's worth about $400.
Who do I have here?
First find in the wild!
First wild selenium find!
Selling my 60+ lifetime Uranium glass collection in Portland Oregon
Anybody know what this beauty is?
Mushy flower frog! + other finds
Picked up this beautiful vase earlier, was 25. Thought it was worth it.
395nm vs. 365nm vs. daylight
Linden travel alarm clock
First Kanawha piece
Can plants have a smoking addiction??
Locally made custom pirate treasure!
Finally nabbed a shoe!
Catch and releases, let me know if any of these are desirable/pricey pieces!
First find - spicy little thing, too!
Tiny baby shields!! 👶🛡️
Is my setup suitable?
Where To Buy Wine In Mobile?
what's your favorite startup/small business around town?
Found all these pieces today, would love to know some details on them thanks!
Cadmium depression glass. Show your best pictures!
Should someone tell them?