Uutta metallimusiikkia Suomesta?
Mayhem is pre-Fame Gaga: truly her roots ❤
First listen fave?
Kims stylist woke up and chose violence because there’s no way this was done with love
How many copies of Mayhem have you pre-ordered?
Gaga’s best performances
Fav unreleased Manson?
Do you think we’ll ever see any unreleased material?
Yall I think I might’ve found something
guys i actually got one
Electra Heart Tour
Why does Butterfly sound so familiar?
Who would you choose for the Mount Rushmore of RHOBH?
Manson Canceled – Going for Drinks 🍻
Sorry for Copenhagen :(
Copenhagen timetable
Steamy Throwbacks: Kylie x Playboy 2019
Longbottom has no idea what she naturally looks like
Why is Lady Gaga's abracadabra song so addictive?
Favourite official Gaga remixes?
Bonus track speculation
No features
Which Gaga song is this?
Emilie Autumn Live
How much do 1st edition Asylum copies go for?