Found some cards from when I was younger. Going to keep looking through more but what should I look for that is valuable?
Just got rejected at Leicester
Lincoln med as an international student?
Will they run out of stock by release?
How i scored a 520 in four months
Why do windows laptops seem jaggedy or laggy?
Boxing gyms
Give it to me straight: PA or OPTO
Is there a return of service for IMG residency in US?
Anyone have advice if I should apply to UK med as an international student?
Does being Canadian affect a non-US IMG chance at getting accepted?
Has anyone been rejected?
Can i apply to just 4 unis or i could to a 5th
To those of you waiting for interviews:
IMG help (I screwed up I’m really lost)
Applying 5 Year Program Ireland
Why is this sub so much against moving to the US?
Advice Needed!!
What would you do? Please help
What would you do?
Canadian/UK dual citizen applying to UK med schools?
UK/Canada dual citizen applying to UK med?
Did anyone decide late in life this is what they want?
BC provincial student loans for studying med abroad?