We didn't know it back then, but Sonic Generations literally had three different plotlines happening at the same time. Quite the eventful birthday alright!
The Rollercoaster in Real Time
I know there are probably too many plot inconsistencies for it to work, but I'd love to see someone try to re-edit F9 and Hobbs & Shaw into a single movie, as if they were happening simultaneously.
Is this a canon event? Because we literally have four versions of this one ad.
Angry Birds Friends: Loading Screens - Concept Art to Final Design
Frontiers and Sonic x Shadow Generations are basically the Colors and original Generations of the 2020s.
It's so funny to me that not only did Ferb get into Disney Heroes Battle Mode before his brother but he also got paired up with Anne, such an odd combo... but, cool.
I just love how Angry Birds has reached the same level as NiGHTS and Super Monkey Ball, casually collaborating with Sonic multiple times and just being great friends with each-other.
Love this recent trend of Shadow getting everyone to cosplay as him.
Sonic Frontiers/Shadow Generations Scenes Simultaneously
If Silver ever got his own Shadow Generations style game, what would you think of this line up for the boss fights?
Shadow the Hedgehog opening storyboards translated.
The fact that the closest thing we've gotten to new Sonic Riders game to date was a Dream Event in a Mario and Sonic game is both kinda sad and funny at the same time.
This video will be remembered, but not in a good way...
It looks like a family portrait 😭
Yeah... when DanTDM is calling you out, you know you've done something wrong.
More art of the three Rileys and sets of emotions made by the talented @Wolffu
Three Rileys... very different from each-other, nothing could go wrong there! (by @Wolffu)
Now that we've seen how things like brain freezes and panic attacks work in Inside Out, I'm genuinely curious how they would portray something like sleep paralysis.
POV: Riley on the Weekends
Joy, Anxiety... oh, and some Merc-With-A-Mouth and Mr. Stabby McStaberson
While I am hyped about Mega Man comics returning at UDON, let's just hope they don't meet the same fate as Mega Man X: Mega Mission which has been in limbo for over five years.
Sonic artists, which Sonic character do you think is the hardest to draw? Like you purposely try to avoid drawing them because of how complex their design is?
Inside Out (wafflepwn style)
"Okay, so Stephen got invited to Multiversus, and now everyone won't stop targeting him, and he is FREAKING out!"