AITA for not caring that my mom's disappointed in me?
AITA for reminding my brother he chose his son's therapist and he needs to stop blaming me when I'm helping him?
“El Mal”, de Emilia Pérez, leva o Oscar de Melhor Canção Original
These dresses are considered some of the worst looks is Oscars history. Thoughts?
Alguem me explica esse choro todo? Pra mim ta igual essa porra, eles só parecem mais velhos, só isso... Tão comparando com o "Sonic feio", plm cara, ta a mesma merda. vcs acham que ta pior?
Sorry if this is repetitive, but I have a question regarding the creators' paywall.
i log in and he’s on the counter ☹️
Crystal Leigh’s alleged connection to Annaliese Nielsen a human trafficker?
qual a raça do seu gato? tenho uma gata da raça Emma Stone
What’s the real answer to this?
I think Luke is pretty far gone
“Unproblematic queen Sierra Deaton”
Man eaten by his own dogs
No one came to my wedding!
AITA for calling the Police after my wife assaulted our daughter?
Update: My MIL hit our son and my husband defended her.
David Matranga, (Eng) VA of Shoto Todoroki, responds to the little girl with the facial birthmark
Sadcat is still a bit aggressive, I managed to catch it on video this time. This is why I wear tall rubber boots, and thick overalls.
My kitten just died a hour ago
"Give him an F (or a 0)"
to save a man in an apartment.
My sisters new cat Luna
When you've gone all out preparing for the new baby, and the game throws a surprise twin at you.
"Now that you can't have me, you suddenly want me" - Liam Payne
Today it''s my birthday and I feel empty without Liam
tô de aniversário, iieeee😐