Why does my bird have these
Some of the best skins you can choose as replacement for blazing bounty
Value store
Guys, do not cry for brock's remodel, we still have him
This Might Be The Strongest Hypercharge Batch, Ever
This is how doctors perform knee replacement surgery
Having this at home...
Just one of those days.
Big wind turbine blades
Let cut cut my own hair...(tbf what a confident kis)
So the next wave of hypercharges was leaked...
Bro Angelo and piper are gonna have hypercharges
instagram loves blood diamonds
No one wins
flying handcuffs
Who do you think is at fault?
don't bully the randoms mortis in ranked, sometimes they just decide to win the game...
peter i dont understand is this an American school thing
If Aliens came down and wanted to meet with one person from the human race, who would you suggest?
Vote for the powerful and strong Mecha B3ll3!
Im seeing alot of these, is this good? F2P
Is this really confirmed?
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Men of reddit, what's the worst thing you've stuck your dick into?
every brawler vs a trillion lions who wins