Became a ghoul and my mask looked like this... Any suggestions on how to revert it?
H: 2 refle W: 2 rangers
H: 2 reflective W: 2 rangers, also Lf 2 star luck
H: 300 leaders W: G minotaur
W: 3 Reflective H: Leaders or mods
H: urban scouts mask, brahmin, buffoon, deathclaw, loon, glowing honey bee, glowing blue devil, glowing turkey, glowing mino, glowing big foot, 6 of the gat plasma plans , lvl 25 pink bat , 15k oil, 50k fuel, and a Q/25/ D EM W: leaders
H: 250 Leaders W: glowing offers
H: 11 leaders w: caps
H: leaders W: 3 rejuv 1 pin
H:450Leaders W: 225Glo Leaders
H: leaders W: Wrapped cap
H: leaders W: FSA
H: leaders W: caps
H: leaders W: reflective and pinpointers
H: trade W: courier
H: winterman W: 40 leaders
H: TFJ W: Leader/Apparel Offers
H: 2.2k leaders W: LC
H: leaders W: Gatling plasma mods + pin-pointers
H: Coffee W: 4* Mods (see below)
H: TFJ W: Leaders
H: leather coat W:2.5k leaders
H: TFJ+Cap - W: (x2Jack) or (Jack,Abe and Biggie) or (4k Leaders) or (LC+2kLeaders)
H: Winterman W: 50 leaders
H: Gjack+1500 leaders W: TFJ