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Map of Éire | Ireland, hand-drawn in Irish script with pen and ink by myself in the style of Tolkien's fold-out maps. I also made an English version using my own handmade font. Hope you enjoy :)
Kroabo, how does it feel?
Good morning Doge lovers! Me and San chan enjoying the views from the mountains 🐾🗻
Einsatzkommando, "special ops command" of the SS performing execution of Kovno Ghetto civilians. This is what the red army was fighting against.
This Should be the Bottom
Коли жінки лізуть в інфопростір із захистом дій ТЦК, це все одно, що чоловіки б виправдовували та захищали ґвалтівників. Згідні?
So can you draw us? 🫡
Draw me pls 🙏🙏❤️
Рєбят, моя карта не оновлюється, що робити?
Tell me im not cooked pleas
Witcher Map
It might even say "free artefacts up ahead" and I'll never know
Вчитись водінню на автоматі чи механіці
Після такого треба пити валерянку.
Stop Panic Selling
Took a selfie, how do I look?
I made a D&D map
The Underworld - Hand drawn map of the main setting of a D&D campaign I'm currently running, inspired primarily by Greek and Egyptian afterlife mythology.
Мапа світу Відьмака
What do maps created in incarnate look like? And here it is!
16250 objects...