First leak
Most powerful character who can't do shit to Gojo because of infinity?
who wins this triple threat battle
who wins this free for all?
Who wins, Twice or Multi Paul?
Who wins
“Where’s me?”
Are all of you still Disagree or Agree with this guy's statement again (this is getting out of hand)
Mixed on this trope, the villain is an allegory for an evil politician or the writers disliked politician?
Giving comparisons to episodes that didn't get them Part 3
IYO, Which cartoon couple do you think is the best and why?
Whole race just being females or one "gender"
Superman Runs the Evil Anime Gauntlet Filled by Very Evil Anime Villains, Does he Save the Day or not?
The absolute largest piece of garbage in the setting
What's Your Favourite Track In The OST
What episodes do you think Death Battle themselves genuinely hate?
What femaleVfemale matchup do you think has the potential for a true 10/10 matchup, if done right by the animators/analysis? (Pic not entirely unrelated)
The horror THE HORROR MAKE IT STOP (art by king cringe arts)
what is the strongest character that simo hayha can beat?
Where does Boruto stops ?
Which group is winning this? My money is on fire
What do I do now
Your namesake character versus my namesake character, who will win?
I just found out Heket is a she... i tought gods didn't have gender