We are Rome! 🗣️
Go on… I’m listening
Yeah let's start ww3
Galicians = Barries, but better
Algunos días en galicia. Non creo que haxa unha comunidade máis fermosa na terra.
🇪🇺 Mein Penis kann nur so erigiert werden
Super bigote esencial
My strategy
"Laughter in the European Parliament while discussing Palestinian deaths, the Member of the European Parliament snaps: 'Shame on you.'
Porto, Portugal. It ain't much, but it's honest work.
Tasa de desempleo de la UE - enero de 2025
So, what did you eat today Romans?
Is this true
Qué hacer con los ahorros?
Europeans boycott US products to protest against Trump tariffs
Absolute cinema no universo cinematográfico de Xique Xique
Ela defendeu a pexera
Crashing your own economy and destroying all the soft power you country spent the last 80 years building up to own the libs
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Someone who identifies with the further north, the quieter
TIL that "Innocent drinks" (smoothies, etc.) is owned by The Coca Cola company
The evil EU
Ideas para la españa vaciada
Is Trump crashing the market on purpose?
Is the US secretly Spain 2?
Los gringos cuando se enteran que son 0.1% indígena
Windows Vista was really a DECENT OS and not as bad as people say