My name is Coo
What is a song you love but you despise the chart for it?
does anyone hear the ominous whistling?
Give me a Vocaloid song not in the game and I’ll give you a card!
Tell me a number from 1 to 604 and I'll assign you a song!!
Who are these 3 (wrong answers only)
Who is the she? (Wrong answers only)
mizuki alpha wolf canon
Wrong answers only
teto what are you-
this is so nicole co09 moment
Tell me the last thing you ate (excluding water) and I'll give you a pjsk character :3
What song is this for you?
What do you guys think of crispin
Im not telling you why i did this
is there a song that you dislike for no reason other than one specific part?
Where is SBN3 now and what did he do?
Assigned characters animes because I can.
What’s your comfort song?
Where can I get this for a good price?
How do you say potato in your language? 🥔
guess my favorite Vocaloid based off my profile (extremely hard)