Bad picture but any suggestions on what this may be. Central Montana in July
Northern Harrier talks a Short-Eared Owl out of a Vole, Chicago burbs
Golden Eagle
Golden eagle in central Montana
Post the last picture of your dog! Here's mine:
Birds in a snowstorm
Day 2 of getting a comment from a person from every congressional district (We finished Idaho, Maine, Wyoming, Both dakotas, and Alaska) 🥳
Costco got me again!
Show me your snowy dog pics! I'll start
Golden Eagle in Central Montana
Any idea on value?
Is this heaven?
What is a fair price to pay on this set
Would this case bring more value to 1/10 oz gold eagle?
Metal Hinged at the points of the diamond and squeezes together with a flat back side
What is a fair offer for this coin. Private sale
Sunrise clouds in central Montana
Central Montana sunrise
Meet Dolly
Day 6 of trying to get a comment from every US county!
iPhone 15 pro max
First piece of gold and I’m in love
Ahhh the life of a cat
Longhorns in Montana