THE END comes on the 19th!
Everyone focusing on R7 but the true gem is R9
When season 3 hits I know a lot of English nerdcore artists are going to have their focus on this dude
Since the third round of Ouroboros has ended and the fourth round is currently in writing. Ask me questions like last time. This is Part 2 of Ouroboros QnA.
How it feels to watch the new teaser As a Hades fan
Since we're probably getting season 3, who are you most excited for?
In the worst case scenario, if Inshun loses and survives, will Oda spare his life or simply kill him?
Choose a number from 1 to 252 and you will receive a random power from my notes.
If they were to make another spin-off who would you like to see star in it?
Record of Ragnarok: Gods' Apocalypse, Chapter One [Manga Dub] (Casting Call)
The God Of The Sky, The Rightful Ruler Of Egypt, Heavens Greatest General: HORUS
Regarding my post yesterday about the Apoc fandub...
Anybody else rlly despise these designs ?
Finland Proxy Hero, Aatos Mäkinen: Generation of Glaciation
Writer of the fanfic RoR: Ouroboros here and I'm here to answer any of your questions for the series, like what do you want to implyment on the story, etc...
Korea Alliance Proxy Hero, Roh Daewon: Generation of Synthetic
Greece Proxy Hero, Achillean Voulgaris: Generation of Force
I want to do a proxy hero (country still unkown) but i have some doubts
Well, there you have it. The real Jack
Potential Record of Ragnarok Manga Dub?
I was searching for how the fighters looked like in real life
Hero Has Returned - Chapter 149
Made a model of my version of Vlad Tepes in Heroforge
Teaser for the next chapter