Your top five favorite characters, not in the series premiere?
The S3 theme song grew on me
Genuine question: why is Kane Hodder considered the best Jason?
Anyone else hate him?
FFS, own your shit, Joyce.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, what is going on in Mr. Belding’s search history?
My partner is watching Buffy for the first time. They wanted to share.
What's the most appropriate age to watch every seasons?
Who is Jacqueline's real life famous person equivalent?
Does anyone still find themselves surprised that there's 2 killers even after watching all the other scream movies?
Underrated Episodes…
Since we're sharing Tori-era cast pictures, here's my contribution!
You’re on a 10 hr flight. Where are you sitting?
Is Mariah bigger than Madonna?
Rotten Tomatoes has Scream 2 rated higher than Scream
So, I know every guy had a crush on Kelly, but I actually liked Lisa more. I thought she was so adorable and beautiful. Does anyone agree with me?
Was Angel S5 a “disservice” to the Buffy series finale?
Is part 8 the most 80s looking out of the entire franchise?
Mariah Carey is No.12 on Billboard's Top 100 Women Artists of the 21st Century
Weekly Hubba Hubba Giles Post
My main issue with Season 3…the characters are so unlikable and uninteresting
What do you personally think is each of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer characters best moments/best things they have ever done? 💙
Whose death hit you the hardest?
Rewriting S1-S4 with Dawn being there…
My favorite Buffy final outfits in order of how much I like them.