21f hiiii
Looking for these and offering my pokemon, ignore the blurred out ones
Have I won on 2 consecutive days?
Women and accountability.
Should There Be Stricter Gender-Based Separation in Public Transport for Safety?
Looking for / Offering Below
LF:2019-18 aerodactyl offering different shinys and shiny kyurem
Guys have u ever tried to show your vulnerable side to girl? What was your experience
Can anyone suggest a areceus-crobat deck
Anybody seeking
We men should also compliment other male strangers
Looking for top can offer bottom plus old costumes/shiny legendaries
Looking for top, offering bottom. Can do 30 day or instant for some
Looking for the following mostly in pokeball, Offering below
Biggest Red flags in women?
It was my very first shiny, back in 2017 or 18 and I accidentally deleted it even before I could evolve it. Been searching high and low catching every single one since…..
For my dudes....(Girls you can skip)
Skip INTRO/OUTRO Gone again ?
The scariest night of my life
Name that anime
Is a kick on the Testicles considered Sexual Assault?
Unlucky or are shiny rates just garbage?
Looking for Kyurem mirror trades. Notable characteristics in name