To impress a child.
For Coco 2 (2029)...wait, seriously?
In Snow White (2025) a Palestinian Supporter is chased out of her own house by ex-Israeli Defense Force. Disney is playing 4D chess here
Movies that pissed off entire countries
Umm... Worth it?
What film made you an instant fan of a director?
What’s your favourite drink ?
Name this area of Westeros. The top comment will win this round.
In Dune/Dune 2, Paul Atreides or Muad’Dib or Usul or Lisan Al Gaib or the Kwisatz Haderach… Jesus Christ how many names does this guy have?
The Rock cameo in Everything Everywhere all at once (2022)
What’s a Movie That Should Have Been a Massive Hit… But Flopped?
A Movie that you’ve watched only once in life because you cannot bear the pain of watching it again??
Chinese teenager breaks his own record by jumping 228 times in 30 seconds in a jump rope competition
A Palestinian baby, not yet two years old, arrived at the hospital with a frozen body and blue lips from the severe cold. she died from hypothermia due to a lack of resources, shelter, and Israel’s ongoing blockade of Gaza.
Scenes that transformed "boys into men". What are your favourite such scenes in the history of Movie/TV?
hot take I like 2012 dredd over 1995 judge dredd
Yeah, drifting
Christoph Waltz won Oscars for playing both a racist and an anti-racist character. This is a subtle hint that if anyone gonna post this shit again, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.
76 years is a good lifespan, isn’t it?
He must be very popular among his friends
Which Movie you really Want to see in theatres Once Again? (Re-Release)
Who's that one actor/actress that everyone finds attractive but you don't?
In Little Women (2019) they seem pretty normal-sized to me
What actor plays the same character in every film?
A mouse attacked by mouse