If you had the option to engrave custom text into your weapon, what would it say?
What is it?
Which artist would you like to say this to?
Red Dead Redemption 2 is widely considered to be one of the greatest games of all time Name something you loved from it.
Name this boss
Who is this? (wrong answers only)
Who is this?( wrong answers only)
Which widely hated anime character would you defend no matter what?
Radscorpion Dagger Idea
Childhood imagination filled in the graphics in our minds
i just created a new OC. what should i name him?
The last thing you ate will be he’s name
Overkill? Automatic shotguns
What's the best slice?
Say "im" and let autocomplete finish it.
Would you live with this man for 3.16 rupees
Which one is it ?🤔
They killed my horse.
What (mass produced, no liberty prime or something akin) robot from Fallout would you want at your beck and call? I'm partial to Assaultron. My reasons are my own.
Name This Boss
which one is it? 🤔
show me your waifu
First time playing, what should I know?
Drop your favorite song and I'll rate it
What is the story behind your username