What if the System gave Jin-Woo the order to kill Goto?
He ate his words lol + Anya's origins?
What tv show did your parents forbid you to watch growing up and why?
Say something good about the hidden world that isn't the visuals.
What lyrics to a song are immediately identifiable by only a few words?
What is ruining your mental health?
When I think about it, the poor little girl is only 5 years old and is experiencing some pretty crazy and traumatic things.🤣
If someone told you they masturbated thinking about you, how would you feel?
Dumb theory I came up with.
When do you post your story?
Might I ask, where are you guys from?
What's a sign that someone has been through a lot of emotional or psychological trauma in their life?
If you can choose one MMC to be your life partner, who and why?
Yuri and Fiona should meet.
what has bill’s dad been feeding him?
If Iruma had a bloodline magic what would it be
If the world was ending in the next few minutes, what would be the last song you'd sing or listen to?
Books you would like to see made into a movie or tv series?
What’s a scenario you want to see in the series at some point?
How do you want to die?
How do you collect fresh water on a small island?
Book Recommendations please :)
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
What do you like about Hiccup and Toothless?