It will be impossible to find songs from real artists soon, AI is flooding this streaming service
Kraken has to improve its personal data protection procedures
I've made a terrible mistake. I would like to apologise to all goats. Let my sins be forgiven. Heil archons!
How to exit the matrix
Ketosis on Carnivore?
Digestive Issues
How good/bad is your life considering what you know?
Belief systems don't dictate what happens in the afterlife
Don’t Give Up—Fight Back Against this Illusion and Entities!
My issue with reincarnation
Prolighters can never answer these questions
Will rapists and abusive people ever get any justice outside this prison planet??
Don’t waste your time worried about loosh
My thoughs after watching an interview with a Swiss carpenter
Mozilla's ad tracking option?
GF Saw Tall, Eyeless Figures in Guest Room
MUFON Case, UFO through telescope
I've been keto for 6 years, what should I expect?
Why does cheese cause people to not lose weight on carnivore?
We need to produce more memes to spread the message about the crop protection of vegan food.
Australian Alien Encounter
Two dumb questions..
Anyone have long term carnivore diarrhoea“fix itself”?
Bloodwork question - cholesterol
Thoughts on leaf protein?