Does getting older frighten anyone else?
Other than protein, what else can I incorporate to help build muscle?
Are you someone who has a big gap between your two front teeth? Is that something that has bothered you? Have you or have you wanted to get it fixed?
Do you blow on a hot cup of tea before sipping it?
Massively Overweight About to Begin Fitness
What are your thoughts about a prospective poppers ban?
Life is ok on paper, but some days I feel really bad at it.
Hello- jumping back into Ashtanga after many years. Looking for at home guidance suggestions.
AITAH for the way I reacted to my wife’s flirting with a guy
Why so much incest in porn
What did you think would never happen to you, until it did?
Looking to getaway for a discreet adult weekend / week
Csn you orgasm/ejaculate just by using your PC muscles? No hands!
Can couples therapy create miracles?
Spotted in Columbus area
Where to meet other single guys in Columbus as a gay in my mid-30s
What movie had you like this?
Does anyone go through phases where porn/sexual content makes you sad?
Wife walked in on me ...
Poppers and Travel
How are these tariffs supposed to make the lives of average American citizens better?
Troy Balderson's website uses a picture of downtown Worthington for his website's Pickerington Office. Worthington is not in his district.
Can a Twink be in his 40’s
The world is crumbling, what gives you hope?
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?