Why are the turret baskets on the Abrams the ones from before Gaijin's decision to change them to have smaller hitboxes?
how can the F2 be implemented?
can working out stunt my growth?
would the F2 be any good?
what will be better F2 or gripen E
should i buy the J35XS?
new leak list?
will the su30 be any good?
will the F2 be any good?
what country will have the best air to ground?
Where is the su30sm gonna go?
eurofighter variants?
future Rafael variants?
the future of US cas?
A10 premium at a lower BR?
Bmpt terminator?
just me or the servers wierd?
2s38 at a higher br?
should i buy the clickbait?
Eurofighter or rafale?
is france ground worth grinding?
what’s the better german premium? AIR
is the f 15e better than the eurofighters?
why is the abrams missing so much stuff?
what nation is the overall best ?